Welcome to Joobi Journal! This journal is based off of my experiences in the equestrian sport, so I thought, what better kickoff topic than telling you guys a little bit about how I got started in riding and my experiences as a beginner in the sport.
I have been riding for about five years now, and competing seriously for almost three. I, like many others, first rode a horse on a trail ride with my family. The riding center where we went on that trail ride also offered lessons, and I had always been fascinated by horses. So, my parents signed me up for lessons, and five years later, I am showing at A rated shows on my very own horse.
I rode recreationally for about three years, and then decided that I wanted to start jumping. My family then made the move to a different state, where I found my first jumping barn, and completed my first full show season on a local circuit. After a successful year in 2019, I set my sights on jumping higher and showing at A rated shows. The pandemic was an unexpected hurdle (for pretty much everyone) that stopped me from showing for about a year, but in the summer of 2020, I found my current barn where I now own a horse (don’t worry there will be much more on him later), and am starting to show in the Children’s Hunters.
I can very safely say that none of the things I am doing now were even on my radar five years ago. Although I have come a long way, I feel like I am, in a sense, still a beginner. I think it is very easy to constantly compare myself to others my age (or even younger) who seem like they “have it all down” when they step up to a new division, or start riding a new horse. As someone who doesn’t come from a horsey family, is a brand new horse owner, and just starting to show on the A circuit, I have to remind myself that everyone, no matter how successful they are, started as a beginner.
While this first article is a bit short, I thought it would be a great way to give you all a chance to get to know me (Sani, the main author of Joobi Journal), a little better and give a quick little reminder that everyone starts somewhere ;). These posts will be centered around my journey and experiences as an equestrian to hopefully give people an inside look on what it is like to navigate the equestrian world from the eyes of someone who is still pretty green, and learning along the way.
Can’t wait for more posts! Such great words.